Friday, May 30, 2008


I went out of town with my daycare today. We went to OKC about an hour away. When I left the gift shop with the kids and a teacher told me the other two vans left already. RULE #1 Stay together at all times.
So we get in the van to leave and a child tells me that she has no seat. Since the other school left their teacher I am now one seat short. I called the daycare and informed them that they needed to contact the other van. I needed them to turn around so I could put a kid on their van. 45 MINUTES LATER.....they are back! GREAT so now we are REALLY late and there are parents waiting at the school for their kids. I get back only to be told by the director of the other school(there are 3 schools) that "I should have just double buckled and come on. I do it all the time". WHAT??????? (excuse language) ARE YOU F*&^%^& KIDDING ME?????? I am going to be driving 75 miles per hour on an interstate and you want me to just double buckle them??
I told her I was NOT OK with that and I was not going to do that. I informed her that I could have had a wreck or been pulled over and that I was not going to take that chance. She said well I have angry parents that had to wait on their kids. HOW MAD DO YOU THINK THEY WOULD BE IF THEY KNEW YOU HAD TOO MANY KIDS ON A VAN AND YOU DOUBLE BUCKLED THEIR KID?????????????

To make matters worse they laughed at the vans that left me and they received to reprimand for their actions.

I am in a BAD mood now. I cannot even believe that they truly wanted me to do that.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Just call me the queen B

OK so there is a place here in stillwater called the botanical gardens. It's an amazing garden that people from all over the place have come to help make it pretty. I went the other day with my friend and her 2 kids, plus a neighbor kid. OOOHHHHH MMMMYYYYYY GGGOOOOSSSHHHHH!!!! I do not remember being that embarrassed in a long time. OK get a picture in your head it's a nice quiet peaceful place. Lots of flowers, ponds, walkways,etc. She just tells the kids "Go Run" and they take off terrorizing through this place. Off the pathways climbing on things, out of control. I tell them "hey guys stay on the pathways and be respectful". She says
"No it's fine...they are kids". I quietly bite my tongue and just go on looking. We look for a little longer and then the kid is climbing the rocks of the pond. The lady in control finally comes and tells them to get down and stay on the pathways. She apologizes and looks dumb founded that they told her kids to stop. We look a few minutes more and then the kid takes off out the back of the place into an open field. She just lets him keep running until you can barely see him anymore. I call them back because we do not know what is back there plus it's rude, plus I am not comfortable with it all. He comes back up with sister(who is crying because he beat her at running). I tell him come on let's finish the tour of the garden and then we can go to a park and play. He tells me "NO" I do not want to. I say " Come on we are almost done, we can hurry and be done". He says" No, I do what I want and you cannot stop me". MIND YOU THIS WHOLE TIME THE MOM IS JUST STANDING THERE. I say Chris(name change) let's just do what the group wants and then we can go have fun. He then proceeds to tell me to" Shut up that he is not listening, I am not his boss, and I will not tell him what to do". I LOST it!! I flipped out! I told him that if he were my child I would slap the shit out of him. That it is NOT OK to talk to any adult that way. I told him that my child would never be disrespectful to me and NOT act that way in public. I just left. I told him that he ruined any fun I was having and I was not going to be treated that way.

I got in my car and drove home.
My friend will not talk to me. She says that he's just a kid and to go easy on him. EXCUSE ME???????? He does not need a best friend right now. He needs a PARENT. If she does not get a lid on that now can you imagine what he is going to be like as a teenager??
He was in the principles office weekly at school, now I know why.

I am sorry but I am not going to be around someone that lets their kids talk that way.
Any of you let your kids do that?? Am I crazy for believing they should mind and behave in public??

Monday, May 26, 2008

World War II America (Battle Hymn of the Republic)

In honor of Memorial Day I wanted to post this video. Being a military wife it moved me to tears. I get an overwhelming sense of pride when I hear songs like this. God Bless those who have gone before us and paid the ultimate sacrifice. I appreciate all of our troops. Thank you for fighting for this beautiful country.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Are you kidding me??

I know Joe just left on Monday and I am sure there is stuff to do before they get troops in late July...BUT.... He does not get Monday or Tuesday off. Isn't Memorial Day a day to honor those in our military?? Those who serve now and those that have gone before them?? I was completely blown away when Joe said he has to work on a Federal Holiday. Ft. Sill cannot stop what they are doing for one day?? He said he has had 1/2 days since he got there. Could they not work a few full days to allow time to be off?? Oh wait...that's common sense.

Sorry just rambling...but I just was annoyed by the situation.
Hope everyone has a fun and safe Memorial Day Weekend. Don't forget to take a moment to honor those who have gone before us.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hurry up 6 months!

Joe left yesterday.:0( It was a hard day yesterday. I cried a lot. Sure I have done this before, but things are really good right now. We are both in school. We are happy and things are good. It's pretty easy to send you hubby away to the field when you are annoyed by them, but this time I did not want him to go.
He was pretty sad too. He said he's gonna miss me and our cat a lot. He called last night. He said his hotel room is nice. He still sounded pretty sad.
These 6 months better FLY by!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Finals are OVER!!!

I finished up Thursday and Joe finished on Friday. I am SSSOOOOOO glad! School is getting on my nerves! I am kinda sick of it....not looking forward to summer school. I think it partly has to do with Joe being called back up and me moving to our new house here. Just in a BLAH state right now! only 15 more days with Joe. :0..(