Monday, April 30, 2007

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH( Taking a deep breath)

So this semester is officially over!:0) YEAH!!!!! I don't think I could take mush more of my science class! I am taking 3 classes this summer but I have about a 3 week break until then. This summer it's government, history(American after 1865) and Intro to Lit(Which I have a l ready done, but they won't take:0(. .) Anyway, for the moment I survived! I had a 4.0 last semester....probably not this semester! I will probably have 3 A's and C. Oh well! They can't all be easy!

Gonna go do laundry.....have a great week!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

2nd Update

OK, so here's another update. My grandpa had hip replacement surgery last week. The other grandpa had a stint put in. Both surgeries were good. My Grandma is out of ICU and finally in a normal room. They took her off of her ventilator on Friday morning. She is breathing on her own.:0) Yeah!!!! Also, she talked to me on the phone. Yep, she said Hi and told me she liked her new room. I cried and cried after I talked to her. I was SO happy! I never thought that I would get to do that.
Anyway, the semester is almost over. I think I am going to come out with 3 A's and a C. I am fine with the C...I do not like the class....... SCIENCE SUCKS!!!!:0)
Anyway, have a great weekend and enjoy the nice weather. It's raining here(again)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Update on my grandma

Things are so so. On Thursday(March 29th) they took out my grandma's ventilator. She was doing good breathing on her own. Well Sunday(April 1st) they called and said they are putting it back in. I guess her pneumonia is getting a lot worse and it was exhausting her too much to breath on her own. So...... now we are just hoping that they can fight this pneumonia. PLEASE continue to pray for her. My grandma's name is DeLanne for anyone that is interested. Also, my step grandpa's son still has not woken up from his coma. (He fell the night my grandma was put in the hospital and had a blood clot in his brain.)