Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bring on the Turkey!!

Since I am the boss I let my self off at 10:30 this morning and I am LOVING my day off! I am baking cheesecakes and an apple pie. I am just being lazy and enjoying the peace!:0) Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy and safe Thanksgiving. Hope you all enjoy spending time with family and friends.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sleeping...a lot

Joe is home and it's been ok. I say ok because you ladies know what I mean... You get set in your ways and your own routine, and then they come home. It throws everything off. :0) He is on a mission to just play XBOX until school starts in Jan. I would complain...but he's been doing house work too!
I have been sleeping A LOT. I mean a whole lot. Most nights 9pm is LATE for me going to bed. I am the boss at my job and I never realized how much energy goes into being a boss. Started to question my sleepiness....but then my aunt flow THAT!!! I have been working many 6:45am to 6:00pm days. I like most parts of my job. Had to fire someone today. That part is not fun.:0(
Anyway, it's 10:00 pm and I cannot keep my eyes open, so off to bed I go!:0)
That is if I can sleep over the ROCK BAND coming from the living room.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Almost Over!

Well Joe is officially released on Thursday. I cannot believe that 6 months is finally done. Clear back in May this day seemed SO FAR away! He is home on a 4 day weekend. He leaves Tuesday and then comes home for good 2 days later. Weird I would have thought they could have just let him stay home.
I got my stitches out last week. I tend to still favor that hand and not use it unless I have to. I guess I am still worried about breaking open that new skin. It seems to be healing nice and no infection, which I am happy about.
I got a new job and new title,but don't have time to tackle that today. Have to get ready for a Birthday Party.