Friday, December 28, 2007

WOW!!! It worked!!

I was looking around and decided there were a few textbooks that I could part with. So, I went to's powered by eBay) and I listed about 4 books. I thought nothing of it, and then yesterday I sold one and a few minutes ago I checked again, and I sold another one! I cannot believe it. It actually worked. I made about $105.00 between the 2 books.:0) I am SUPER excited and HOPE the other 2 sell too. I tried to sell some of Joe's books, but he would not part with them! Maybe I can talk him into it once he sees that I got paid.

PS We got a's super cool! (It was our Christmas to each other)

Friday, December 21, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What a day!!!

Let me just tell you about my day yesterday! As you all know I work in the school system as a teachers assistant. We were at PE yesterday. 2 kids ran into each other. One hit their head, the other busted his lip open. So I walk the kid down the hall trying to calm him down without him touching me, (Blood and snot on hands). We are almost to the office when I stop for a second and look away from the child. He then grabs my hand and now I have his blood and snot on me. We got to the office and I immediately SCRUB my hands. I eve pour almost a whole;e bottle of peroxide on my hand. We get him an ice pack and all is good. I take him back to class and tell the teacher I work with what happened. She asked me if I had Hepatitis shot? I said no. She says go now to the nurse and see about getting one. So.... I go. I tell her what happened and as I am telling the story about him grabbing my hand I raise it up. She FREAKS out because she sees a cat scratch on my hand. She tells me that this is an "exposure". His blood or snot could have made its way into my cat scratch. OK....really not freaking out. Whatever. I get a Hepatitis shot and then am told I have to go and have my blood as well as the child's blood tested for Hepatitis and HIV. GREAT!! Now you are annoying me and inconveniencing me. So I go to the most germ invested crowded clinic and wait..... I go see a doc he looks at my hand. Gives me an antibiotic, and then I have to go down to the lab for blood work.
I go tell the nurse the usual ....bad veins...use a baby needle..blah blah blah. I guess she could tell that I was annoyed because she says to me" you should just consider that all blood is bad blood." I say "OK". She then goes on to tell me that 2 weeks ago she tested a 26yd old female positive for Hepatitis C THEN tells me that a 15 yr old girl tested positive for HIV. I got teary eyed. Not because she scared me, but because there is a 15 yr old in my town with AIDS. She is SO young. I leave and go back to work. My kids are at lunch and the grandma comes to get the boy so he can go get his blood drawn. She then proceeds to lip off to one of the nurses that "shouldn't she be worried about what her grandchild can get from the teacher, NOT what the child gave to me"? HELLO???? Did I bleed and snot all over YOUR kid??? NO!! He did it to me! I should be worried NOT you. (On a side note the mom has about 5 piercings in her face at at least 4 tattoos that I can see on her body when she comes to get her child). So yeah...please worry about me! WHATEVER!!!
I was just annoyed all day after that. But...I got the 1st of 3 shots I have to get for hepatitis. LUCKY ME!!!:0)

Friday, December 14, 2007

OR NOT.....

We are having family Christmas with my brother and his wife and my parents tomorrow. I realized this evening that the presents were not wrapped. So....I got the boxes all ready and went to the garage for some wrapping paper. There is no wrapping paper so I went a little"green" this year! I have brown paper and ribbon that I found in the house and improvised.
This is a picture of the final projects

I wrote earlier that I was not going to do a tree this year. However, I came home to one! Joe decided to put it up and do the lights before I got home. We did the ornaments together! Here's a picture of the tree.

Hope you guys have a great weekend! 11 days til Christmas!! It's supposed to snow here fun!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

It's begining to look at lot like....I hate this crap!

OK, so got the day off today. We got ice and sleeting yesterday. I am actually disappointed that we are off. The more we are out now the longer we are in school in May.YUCK!!! I am not a big fan of ice and sleet.I am already ready for it to be over!
But, on the flip side I laid on the couch all day, took 2 naps, watch Dr. Phil and Oprah(which I never get to do!) and was completely lazy today.:0)

Also, I decided no Christmas tree this year. We are not going to be here and we don't have kiddos, so it seemed like a waste of time......maybe next year.