Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Mini Mid life crisis????

Is it possible to have a mini mid-life crisis? If so, I truly believe that I am having one! My life is SO busy and hectic that I seriously do not even have time to think. I have recently put out applications for a new job. After working in childcare for 5 years, I am on the verge of a mental break down!(NO...I WON'T SHAVE MY HEAD....DON'T WORRY!)
I have come to realize that I am at a point in my life that if it means either choosing to be a lead teacher or focus on my school, I would walk away from my job at any minute. I am SO tired all the time. Chasing 12 3 year olds around all day long is starting to get to me. Plus, trying to keep up with my school work.
I know I know...when I am a mom I am going to be even more tired than I am now. I know all of this! I am just afraid that if I continue to work in childcare I will seriously consider NEVER having my own.
I know that I do not want to do this forever(childcare). I WANT to be a teacher. I applied to be a TA(Teacher's Assistant) with the school system. I want something new. I want a teacher to take me under their wing and me my mentor. I want to learn about the school system and what it is going to be like when I have my own classroom. BUT.....here's the problem! This is a college town. People that get their degrees and cannot find work right away become TAs until they do. SO......Automatically they out qualify me for the job. :0(
I had one interview last week and I could tell that they made up their minds before I was even interviewed. My interview today was good. I felt better about it, but I was the 1st interview of 5 for 1 position!!!!!! Sorry I am just frustrated and venting(if you could not already guess). I WANT a new job. but I think that it's not going to be easy getting a new job. I do not have my degree yet so I am at a huge disadvantage.
Any thoughts??? Suggestions? Ideas on how to make my job suck less?
I LOVE kids and I want to work with kids....but I do not want my current job to burn me out.........HELP!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Just Celebrated number 4

On Thursday Feb.8th Joe and I celebrated our four year anniversary. I cannot believe that it has been 4 years!!! Where has the time gone?
We got each other Colts jerseys for the Super Bowl so our actual anniversary was not much. We went out to eat and then went and bought a new Ipod. Then came home and did homework and went to sleep. Gee...we are so fun huh?!
I tried twice to upload some pics from our wedding. They wouldn't. Maybe I 'll try again later.