Friday, August 18, 2006

Dreading this weekend

Ok, so let me fill you in on why I think my weekend is going to suck. My cousin who I use to be very close to is dating a man that I particularly do not care for. He never wants her to come and seem me and every time that she talks about family he cuts her off and starts talking about his life. Ok so they have spent EVERY weekend this summer at his lake house but one. One weekend she was allowed to not go and go to a baccalaureate party. She always calls to tell me about the yacht she was on, or how much fun she had at his lake house, or his jet skis, blah blah, blah. My family are not material people and do not brag about the things we have. So I have a real problem when she calls and talks about this stuff. She calls every weekend though and wants us to come up there to the lake house. I kept saying well maybe my birthday weekend...Well...guess what! That is this weekend! I am going I think for 2 reasons. One, I want to be the bigger person and give him another chance. Let him see how we really are. Second, I want to see what it's all about and how he REALLY treats her.
My husband Joe does not really like her at all. He says she's mean to me and only calls when she needs something. She made a rude comment to me about graduating college. She got an associates degree!!! I have been to school longer than her, she just managed to get a piece of paper in general studies.
Maybe I am fooling myself? Maybe our relationship is not going to be like it use to. Maybe I need to reevaluate some things? I guess this weekend will help me decide.
Any thoughts on this subject???


E said...

Tough call without really knowing her, but I would recommend trusting your husband. He has your best interests at heart. I hope you have fun at least!

The Monkey House said...

I have to agree with E. . .at least to some degree. Joe has a more objective view than you do, and he more than anyone is going to care about how people (even family) treat you. One thing I learned this summer. . .sometimes it is hard to let go of relationships that were so important in the past--but sometimes you just grow apart. Doesn't mean you give up the relationship all together, necessarily, just means you need to be sure that you are still getting something positive out of it. One of my very favorite sayings is "People treat you the way that you teach them to treat you." Meaning, if you tolerate someone treating you badly, they will continue to do it. If you make it clear that it is unacceptable, they will either treat you better, or stay away from you. Either way, you are better off. I hope it goes well and that you all have a good time, and you are able to refind some of that closeness, but if not--all is not lost. You have a lot of good friends who can be there for you when you need them and NOT just be demanding of you!

The Monkey House said...

so, how did it go?